Please only fill out this form if you have a tune scheduled or have purchased a base map!
Please answer all of these questions to the best of your knowledge so the process of tuning your car goes as smoothly as possible and you get the most for your money. This is designed to benefit you so this process is as smooth as possible and that you do not show up with a car that cannot be tuned or does not meet your goals.
We will be taking your car to speeds in excess of 100 mph on the dyno. If you are not comfortable taking your car up to 100 mph then it is not ready to be dyno tuned. If your car vibrates or pulls to one side at high speeds we can not tune it.
Car Information
Transmission type automanual
Do you have a V2 or V3 AccessPort or no AccessPort? If yes please list the model. Not sure which Accessport you have? Click here:
Stock Downpipe/O2 housing or Brand
Stock Header or Brand
Stock Catback / Axleback or Brand
Stock Air Intake or Brand(This question is about your air intake where the air filter and MAF are located. This question is not about a aftermarket intake manifold. If you have a aftermarket intake manifold you can list that in the "Other Mods" section below.)
Stock Intercooler / Piping or Brand
Stock Turbo or Brand
Stock Fuel Injectors or Brand
Stock Fuel Rails or Brand
Flex Fuel Sensor / Gauge Brand (if applicable)
Stock Fuel Pressure Regulator or Brand
If adjustable aftermarket FPR, what is the PSI base pressure Recommended fuel pressure is 43.5psi. When setting or checking fuel pressure always make sure the engine is warm and you have the vacuum hose disconnected form the fuel pressure regulator
Stock Fuel Pump or Brand (Size)
If aftermarket fuel pump, is it hardwired? A hardwired fuel pump has additional wires and relay installed that go directly to the battery. If your fuel pump is getting power from the OEM connector is it not hardwired.
Stock Bypass / Blow Off Valve or brand
Stock Boost Controller or Brand
Stock Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor brand (size) EVO 8 & 9 need a aftermarket map sensor to run Speed Density. EVO 10 the stock MAP sensor can read to about 30-32psi of boost. If you are wanting to run more boost than that an upgraded MAP sensor is needed. We stock the Omni 4bar and can install it the day of the tune.
Stock Intake Air Temp (IAT) Sensor or Brand
Stock Engine or Built
If you have a built engine, please list any known part specs/brands
Stock Heads or Built
If you have a built heads, please list any known part specs/brands. If your cams and springs are upgraded do you have the exhaust MIVEC deleted? (If the exhaust MIVEC is not deleted you can have idle issues and the cam can move under full throttle to undesirable positions causing power loss. The exhaust MIVEC must be deleted if you have upgraded cams and springs. The intake MIVEC is beneficial to power so it is recommended to keep it functional.)
Do you have any other modifications? If so, please list
A note on fuels: Make sure you have the fuel you want to be tuned on in your vehicle when you come in for the tune. We can only tune your car for the fuel that is in the fuel tank. If you tune on 93 octane you will make more HP, but you can damage your engine if you boost with 91 or 92 octane in your vehicle. If you want to be able to run 91, 92, or 93 then you will want to tune your vehicle with 91 octane in it.. When you come in for the tune please have at least 1/2 a tank for single fuel tunes. For dual/ flex fuel please have at least 1/2 but no more the 3/4 tank of fuel. We provide E85 included in the cost of the tune so no need to bring your own.
What kind of fuel is currently in your car? (91 non oxy, 91, 92, 93, E85, or other)
What fuel are we tuning on? (91 non oxy, 91, 92, 93, E85, Flex Fuel, or dual tunes)
Do you currently have or have had any Check Engine Lights? (We CANNOT tune a car if it has a check engine light due to any mechanical problems, if you currently don’t have any codes but get a code after the car is running on the new base map we provided, please update us with what codes you have. Your car should NOT have any check engine lights when you come in for the tune.
Front O2 Sensor - P0031, P0032, P0053, P0131, P0132, P0133, P0134
System too lean/rich - P0171, P0172, P2096, P2097
Speed Sensor code causing limp mode - P0500
MIVEC Codes - P0010, P0011, P0013, P0014, P0016, P0017
Again if you have any of the codes listed above we can NOT tune your car.
Do you have ANY mechanical problems? (Example- Running Rich, Will not idle, Poor fuel economy, boost/vacuum leaks, Not hitting target boost, Overheating, major oil Leaks, or any coolant leaks. We can not tune a car with mechanical problems.)
How many miles do you estimate are on your clutch, is it a stock or aftermarket clutch, and do you suspect it's slipping? Knowing how many miles on the clutch or if its slipping are important because we can not tune a car with a slipping clutch. If you suspect it's slipping it would be a good idea to get it replaced before the tune, If it slips on the dyno we unfortunately have to stop tuning and you will be charged for the time the car was on the dyno and will have to schedule another time to finish the tune after the clutch is replaced and broken in. Knowing what clutch you have is important because they are rated on the torque level they can hold. If you request a torque level higher then it holds and we go past that level and the clutch slips we will have to stop the tune there. The clutch may continue to slip even if we lower the power and you will ultimately have to replace the clutch.
How many miles ago was the last time your spark plugs were replaced and what were they gapped to? (If you do not know or have more than 15000 miles on them we highly recommend replacing them.) Recommend Gaps EVO 8 - .023" EVO 9 - .023" EVO X - .023"
When was the last time you changed oil? (If it has been more than 2 months or 2000 miles we highly recommend changing your oil before the tune.)
Do you have any exhaust leaks? (Any exhaust leak can throw off either the factory o2 sensor or our dyno Wide Band Sensor and cause the fueling to not be tuned correctly.) You must have an exhaust tail pipe that exits somewhere outside the vehicle and not underneath. I.E. the tailpipe must come to the edge of the vehicle and not terminate anywhere under the car. Our Exhaust Extraction System in the Dyno room uses a tube we put right next to the tailpipe to extract the exhaust from the room
How Strong is your Battery/ Alternator? (We can not tune with a dead battery or a charging system that does not work)
What are your Power Goals/ Expectations and Intended use i.e. Drag Racing, Road Racing, Auto-X, Daily Driving, Racing in Mexico, with your tune? (Letting us know all your expectations of the tune prior to the tune will help us guide you in the right direction as you may not have all the necessary performance parts to achieve your goal.)
Do you have any parts needed prior to your tune or any parts installed? (Our expert techs install performance parts all day. Our labor rates are very fair. And our expert support can help you decide which parts to purchase from us to achieve your goals.)
Do you need a base map to drive your car to our shop with the new parts installed? (If you have a Cobb Accessport or a Tactrix Cable, we can email you a base map to drive on with your new modifications. It can be unsafe to drive after installing modifications. Having a base map allows you to drive your car and double check it rather than waiting and towing it in and not being able to double check everything.)
If you have an AccessPort and need a base map, please enter the Serial Number Sticker (examples: MIT02xxxxx) (We do not need the "Original Serial Number". For help locating the serial number click Here):
If we are tuning Opensource with Tephra/FlexFuel and need a base map, please enter your VIN or License Plate Number. All Opensource FlexFuel tunes are VIN LOCKED from Tephra so please make sure to enter the VIN correctly. We get the tunes directly from Tephra and he charges $100 so there is an additional $100 charge that will be added to your bill. If you already have a Tephra ROM and need a base map for new parts please email your current tune to
For EVO X MR and Ralliart customers: Would you like to have your TCU (Transmission Control Unit) flashed with the Evoscan SST TCU MOD? Option 1 - $37 - Switch to S-Sport mode at any time and at any speed. - 0 or 7% extra master clutch pressure for faster and crisper shifts Option 2 - $57 - Switch to S-Sport mode at any time and at any speed. - 0, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15% extra master clutch pressure for faster and crisper shifts (We can flash your preferred option the day of the tune) Option - 3 $84 - Switch to S-Sport mode at any time and at any speed. - 0 or 7% extra master clutch pressure for faster and crisper shifts - Shift Point Mods: Higher shift points for Normal and sport mode, and even higher for S-Sport mode - Launch Control Mod: Removes factory launch control limit, allowing launch control rpm higher than 4200rpm while maintaining full throttle Option - 4 $107 - Switch to S-Sport mode at any time and at any speed. - 0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15% extra clutch pressure for quicker shifts, We can flash your preferred option the day of the tune - Shift Point Mods: Higher shift points for Normal and sport mode, and even higher for S-Sport mode - Launch Control Mod: Removes factory launch control limit, allowing launch control rpm higher than 4200rpm while maintaining full throttle More info can be found here. —Please choose an option—Option 1 - $37Option 2 - $57Option 3 - $84Option 4 - $107
If you have anything wrong with your car that needs addressing before the scheduled tune date, you will want to let us know. Our expert technicians can be booked out as well, so you will want to get on the schedule to be ready for your tune.
If you have parts that you want installed prior to the tune or need parts you will want to let us know. We can help you get those parts since we are distributors of most performance brands
Would you like a video of your car on the dyno? There is a $25 fee for this NoYes
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Did you read the Pre-Tune Checklist? By filling out and submitting this form you are acknowledging you have read the pre tune checklist.