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Subaru EJ Pre-Tune Question Form

Please only fill out this form if you have a tune scheduled or have purchased a base map!

    Thank you for choosing JM Automotive for your high-performance needs.

    Please answer all of these questions to the best of your knowledge so the process of tuning your car goes as smoothly as possible and you get the most for your money.

    Car Information





    List of all the modifications to your car or the parts you are installing. If they are stock please write STOCK or if you do not know please write UNKNOWN.

    Do you currently have or have had any Check Engine Lights?
    (We CANNOT tune a car if it has a check engine light due to any mechanical problems, if you currently don’t have any codes but get a code after the car is running on the new base map we provided, please update us with what codes you have. Your car should NOT have any check engine lights when you performing logs for the E-Tune.


    Front O2 Sensor - P0030, P0031, P0032, P0131, P0132, P0134

    System too lean/rich - P0171, P0172, P2096, P2097

    TGV stuck closed but not deleted - P2004-P2022

    Speed Sensor code causing limp mode - P0500

    AVCS codes, Cam/Crank Correlation, Cam Over Advance - P000A, P000B, P000C, P000D, P0011, P0014, P0016, P0017, P0018, P0019 P0021, P0024

    Air pump - P2431, P2432, P2433

    Again if you have any of the codes listed above we can NOT tune your car.

    If you have parts that you want installed prior to the tune or need parts you will want to let us know. We can help you get those parts since we are distributors of most performance brands

    JM Automotive E-Tune Waiver

    1. JM Automotive does not endorse going above the posted speed limit

    2. All tests are performed at maximum performance and at wide-open throttle.

    3. Customer knows and accepts the potential risk of running their vehicle while tuning, which includes but is not limited to engine failure, power train failure, and suspension and tire failure.

    4. Customer knows the condition of their vehicle and assures it is in acceptable condition to tune; JM Automotive does not know, nor assumes any such knowledge of the condition of the vehicle being tested.

    5. Customer commits that all parts of the vehicle are in good condition and are capable of full power and full throttle performance during any test performed.

    6. JM Automotive is not responsible for any damage to the vehicle or owner during or after any part of the tune process, inclusive of any lost in past, current, or future revenue.

    7. Customer will hold harmless JM Automotive, its employees, associates, and shareholders free from all liability for any damage that may occur during the Tuning/logging process.

    8. Customer has all proper insurance required to test the vehicle.

    9. Customer agrees that vehicle is in proper tuning condition. If found vehicle is not properly ready for tune, customer will be responsible to pay for scheduled tune slot as diagnostic. Then have to reschedule tune once found issues are fixed.

    10. I agree that I am the proper owner of the vehicle and am allowed to agree to this contract for this vehicle.

    Boost PSI Requested (required):

    2002-2014 WRX boost targets, Stock - 11-13psi, STG 1 - 14-16psi, STG 2 - 16-18psi
    2004-2021 STI boost targets, Stock - 14psi, STG 1 - 16-18psi, STG 2 - 17-19psi

    If Flex Fuel or dual tunes, Boost PSI Requested for Ethanol Blend:

    Typically 18-20 PSI, Ethanol boost target will depend on how much torque the engine is producing when on a stock shortblock

    Engine Rev Limit Requested (required):

    2002-2014 WRX Stock Rev 6700, Tuned Rev 6700-7000
    2004-2021 STI Stock Rev 7000, Tuned Rev 7000
    Built heads with cams and springs can typically rev to 8000+ with supporting mods

    Today's Date (required):

    Email (required):

    Name (required):

    Order Number (required):

    Did you read the How E-Tunes Work information? By filling out this form you are acknowledging you have read the pre tune checklist and how E-tuning works.

    By signing below, you acknowledge that you are 18 years of age or older

    Signature (required):